Monday, October 7, 2013

For my cyclical nature composition I want to focus on the cycle/habit of man-made mechanisms/buildings and how they overtake nature over time.  Instead of taking away Newland and the urban setting/objects I would like to highlight them somehow with the tree, showing how they are overtaking its space.  I took most of my shots at night; I like the gold glow that they have from the lights, but I will probably take more at other times of the day as well.  I also did some intentional blurred shots.  The first few happened on accident, and I was frustrated by the shutter speed I had to use with some shots, so I instead just went with the blurs.


  1. I love your use of lights, and the variety of images in light and dark settings.

    - Rose

  2. I like the way you decided to work with the blurred images rather than push back against them. I think that concept actually couples nicely with the cyclical nature idea, almost like you can't fight the blur like you cant fight things progressing and changing with time.

  3. I think that you have a good idea here. I might recommend taking more shots of some manmade/technology things where they don't hit the frame (i.e. power strip) so you can use the whole item in your composition. I do like the gold lighting in your photos as well

  4. I agree with Miles, I would also recommend having more images of technology and manmade objects. The use of blurs is very interesting and I am curious to see how you execute them in your image.

  5. I like the lighting as well, but I would suggest using a tripod and getting some photos with that lighting that aren't blurred- the combination of the blurred and unblurred could be really interesting I think.

  6. Nice idea
    I wonder about photographing some of the industrial revolution era gears and gadgets in the Antique Mall as data. The images seem to have a retro feel to them. Nostalgia is a great hook. Good start.

    Matt- are you commenting on your peer's work?

  7. I like your concept and I like the images you chose, they all have the same feel to them and I think that is going to help in making a cohesive piece. I'm also really drawn to the elevator button ones and the exit sign pictures and their glowing red light.

  8. Hi Matt

    You were supposed to have a first stab at an image by yesterday?
    Nice idea, always something surreal about night photography. Is there a central image or theme you can see as a focal point for concept and design? What exactly are you trying to say? is it the love/hate relationship with technology? over development in real estate? try to clarify your idea before you start. We need a first stab asap, Gary critiques on Monday.
